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DYNE’s strategic management includes creativity and innovation that will ease businesses in solving challenges or issues towards achieving their goals.

Explore further the possible business model innovation that suits your business with DYNE:

  1. An infused innovation into your business model could shift your business to the next level.

  2. Reformulate your value proposition could give significant impacts to your business too.

  3. Innovation is more than just a business model innovation. Evolve and explore further with DYNE.

"evolve or be left behind"

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Solving business issues with strategic management coupled with creativity and innovation

"we cannot win the race by standing still"

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DYNE’s expertise is focused on strategic management, content solution and cultivating innovation. The cultivating innovation includes training courses for innovation related topics.

Strategic business design is a powerful tool of strategic management and strategy formulation. It is as an effective way to bridge innovation, research, management and design based on  the analysis of external and internal trends and data. It defines how strategic challenges are to be approached, helps deliver more complete, harmonized, and resilient business systems, and identifies entrepreneurial opportunities for action. 

Let’s DYNE focus on its expertise while you could focus on your businesses.

"focus is the key to success"

Focusing on perspectives and mindsets towards the business’s goals

"Focus on the outcome not the obstacles"

DYNE's Iconic References

"Mindset is the king of everything. Rule it or you will be ruled"

The titanic mindsets

The Titanic Mindsets is summarized into one main mindset of hubris that caused the most famous catastrophic event of The RMS Titanic happened in the year 1912; The Titanic Mindsets of hubris leads to the actions of stubbornness, pride, carelessness, insufficient planning and it leads to the illusion of knowledge.

the hare & the tortoise

If the story is deeply analysed, it gives a powerful moral story for us to adapt and adopt our weaknesses and strengths in life, business or running an event. The story of The Arrogant versus The Persistent, Humble and Focused Tortoise shows us how does a humble-persistent yet focused person could achieve successes in life or businesses but the arrogance and powerful person could fail in the journey (life or businesses) due to The Titanic Mindsets.

seaFish in the ocean

Humans are just easily be influenced by experience, education, culture and the surroundings. The cautious that “we cannot be like sea fish in the sea water; they are not salty when we eat them” will make us mindful and aware of The Ecosystem of Mindset that cultivating our mindsets and our attitudes.

A dyne is defined as a unit of force to accelerate a mass. DYNE’s vision is to be the strategic partner with our clients in strengthening the right mindsets to propel in their businesses via DYNE's strategic management coupled with creativity and the creation of innovations for the businesses.

A business is similar to a ship sailing in the middle of an ocean, from Point A to Point B. Every business needs strategic planning and strategic implementation, it needs to be evolved or be left behind. Innovation is critical for every business to survive.

Planning is everything

but the mindset is the king of everything.

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Mindset is the king of everything;

Rule your mind or it will rule you..

The two persons on the left are arguing about their perspectives whether there are four logs or three logs. Time, efforts and other resources are wasted in the argument. This event always occurs around us. Thus, enrich your perspectives, embolden your journeys.

The Right Perspective Makes The Impossible Possible 


DYNE’s Business Designers help businesses to improve their business values with the infusion of The Design Thinking and Inside-The-Box Thinking methodologies which focuses in identifying, understanding and addressing the problems that plaguing businesses and their customers within their limited or unlimited resources in creating innovations. It values for solutions over processes and creativity plus innovation over traditions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

Get a FREE DYNE Diagnostic Report to understand your business positions enroute to its goals.

Exclusively FREE

DYNE's Core Products

  1. The Mindset Plan is exclusively designed to nurture The Design Thinking Framework & Systematic Inventive Thinking Framework for the subscribers amongst students and undergraduates to extract and learn the human-centred techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way in our lives; to have the ability to look things from multiple perspectives which could potentially create innovations. It is a CSR-FOC [Corporate Social Responsibility-FreeOfCharge] initiative program by DYNE to let them be well prepared prior to their journey of the unexpected turbulence to come in the future as the mindset is the king of everything. [Explore further] 

  2. The Hustle Plan provides business analysis and other important measures within the 12-months cycle on the subscribers’ businesses to plan and execute the right strategies to penetrate and propel in their early stage and middle stage of the business life cycle. DPSB business analysis will identify the business needs, reviewing them and finding solutions to various business-related problems; starting with evaluating the challenges that the businesses are having towards their short term and long term goals. [Explore further]

  3. The Shake-Out Plan provides business analysis and strategies for subscribers to make the moves before the fierce competitions and challenges to come in the near future. The business analysis will be based on existing resources in the subscribers. [Explore further]

  4. The Going-Out Plan provides business analysis and quick fix measures for the subscribers to survive in the final stage of the business life cycle. At these phases of decline and exit, businesses are struggling of losing money in their operations at a negative cash flow position; either to still continue or to exit the businesses. Shooting at the wrong targets would only lose your resources heavily. The Going-Out Plan provides quick fix measures to mitigate the losing trend and further to analyse and amend the fundamental of its business plan. [Explore further]

You can't   win the race by standing still..

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Get to know the failures made by the then successful international companies.  

Lessons for us to analyse and to avoid.

DYNE’s analysis on the failures of businesses internationally should be the guidelines for businesses to avoid and to learn from. 

"Enrich your perspectives;

                   embolden your journey"

One Man's Fault Is Another Man's Lesson

"Failure is costly to everyone"

DYNE’s inspiration of success is Grab Holding Inc (GRAB)’s journey; had become a humbled decacorn company in 2022; it started in Malaysia in 2012 as MyTeksi; it had grown strategically into 8 South-East Asia countries in their first 10 years in the operation. 

Planning is everything but the mindset is the king of everything

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No Secrets To Success,
It Is The Result Of Preparation, Hard Work And Learning From Failures

Turbulence is inevitable, internally and externally.

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Get to know more:

Status quo and not evolving now in a business will face survival issues in the coming years.

Every business and every walk of life is experiencing change, and its pace is increasing. Innovation is vital for survival.

How to be creative and how to innovate by building your innovative mindset and to grow a culture of innovation at work and in your daily life.

Get to know further thru DYNE’s Training Courses about the benefits of innovation, step-by-step approach in The Infused Design Thinking and Inside-The-Box Methodology in solving problems and creating innovative products or services.

You can’t win by standing still

DYNE is specialised in converting businesses into innovative business models with our unique perspectives. 

Build a culture of creative & passionate innovation to keep your organization young, fun and exciting

"Innovation is the fuel to design thinking"

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