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Issues and challenges will deter businesses from achieving their goals. is an easily accessible platform for businesses to solve challenges & turbulence in their business cycle. 

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Issues and challenges will deter businesses from achieving their goals.

We maybe the captains of the ships but we are not the owner of the seas.

At DYNE, we analyse your business's issues, challenges and provide possible solutions to your challenges from our perspectives while you could focus on your business operation.

As a humble yet professional company, DYNE focuses on strategic corporate management, content solution and cultivating innovation

Presence or absence of strategic perspective is the determining factor for every success or failure in business.

Innovation is a powerful problem solving driver towards overcoming obstacles and reaching your goals, playing a vital role in bringing creativity and efficiency to the way things work.

At DYNE, we are passionate & excited to cultivate creativity that will create innovation with our value-based clients.

DYNE's Iconic References

A dyne is defined as a unit of force to accelerate a mass. DYNE’s vision is to be the strategic partner to our clients in strengthening the right mindsets to propel in their businesses.

The DYNE’s Iconic References are highlighted to force and to strengthen the right mindsets to propel and to avoid from the same mistakes from the used to be successful international companies but failed in the middle of the journey due to the mindsets. 

Solution is on the way by knowing the problems first
Business Professionals and Corporate Stock Video Footage by FILMPAC
The Innovator
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A business is similar to a ship sailing in the middle of an ocean, from Point A to Point B.

Turbulence is inevitable; internally and externally.

Planning is everything but the mindset is the king of everything. was initiated as a platform to focus on the force of perspectives and mindsets in assisting businesses to reach their destinations blissfully.

At DYNE, our expertises are in strategic corporate management, content solution and cultivating innovation.

Let us focus on our expertise while you could focus on your businesses as focus is the key to success.

1.0 Strategic Corporate Management

Presence or absence of strategic perspective is the determining factor for every success or failure in business.

Strategic Corp
We maybe the captains of the ships but not the ruler of the sea.

Thus, get the strategic perspectives to face the inevitable turbulences ahead of your business journeys.

At, we provide our Strategic Corporate Management as a scope of service for you to sail it smoothly to your destinations.
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DYNE's Iconic References

A dyne is defined as a unit of force to accelerate a mass. DYNE’s vision is to be the strategic partner to our clients in strengthening the right mindsets to propel in their businesses.

The DYNE’s Iconic References are highlighted to force and to strengthen the right mindsets to propel and to avoid from the same mistakes from the used to be successful international companies but failed in the middle of the journey due to the mindsets. 

2.0 Content Solution

At also, we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of services to accomplish the technical content goals you may have for your products, processes, and services; in fundamental stage and fund-raising stage. 

We could not win the race by standing still but with DYNE’s perspective on your current business’s content solution, the race is winnable with strategic planning and execution.

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Content Solution

3.0 Cultivating Innovation

Innovation is anything that proposes an alternative to something that is done in a certain way, brings economic and behavioral benefits, solves problems, or makes people's daily lives more practical. 

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Innovation is the manifestation of creativity into a usable product or service. Do enrich your perspectives to be creative and further to cultivate innovation with DYNE. Your journeys will be blissfully sailed till the destinations.

Cultivate Innovation

At DYNE, we cultivate innovation for businesses to have the edges over the other competitors in the industries.




Mindset is influenced by the perceptions of past experiences, education, values, culture, preconceived notions, and present circumstances; it is called the ecosystem of mindset. Thus, our next course of actions are predetermined by our ecosystem of mindset.


DYNE’s Business Designers help businesses to improve their business values with The Design Thinking and Systematic Inventive Thinking methodologies which will focus in identifying, understanding and addressing the problems that plaguing businesses and their customers within their limited or unlimited resources in creating innovations. It values for solutions over processes and creativity plus innovation over traditions.

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Mindset is the king of everything;

Rule your mind or it will rule you..

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

The above two persons are arguing about their perspectives whether there are four logs or three logs. Time, efforts and other resources are wasted in the argument. This occasion always occur around us. Thus, enrich your perspectives, embolden your journeys.

Get a FREE DYNE Diagnostic Report to understand your business positions enroute to its goals.

Exclusively FREE


DYNE focuses on the expertise of strategic corporate management, content solution and cultivating innovation.


Most businesses had ignored the fundamentals of their businesses; they are too focusing on marketing and advertisement activities and losing their resources but missing the targets.


Evolve or be left behind in the space.

DYNE creates values and strengthen the values for you to sail it blissfully in your journey.

Shooting at the wrong target will only lose you.

Get a FREE DYNE Diagnostic Report to understand your business positions enroute to its goals.

Exclusively FREE


Failure is costly to everyone.

Get to know the failures made by the then successful international companies.  Lessons for us to analyse and to avoid.

DYNE’s analysis on the failures of businesses internationally should be the guidelines for businesses to avoid and to learn from. 

DYNE's Iconic References

Iconic References are used to represent iconic images or incidents that symbolising important and critical messages for us to believe and to remember. Humans tend to believe based on facs as facts are true whether or not you believe them or otherwise.

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RMS Titanic was considered to be an “unsinkable” ship in 1912, but it succumbed to the seabed of The Atlantic Ocean was due to The Titanic Mindsets. Business owners and management team members of businesses should have the ability to see every perspectives of the stakeholders. By enriching the perspective of the stakeholders, businesses should be successful and excel to the next level. The Titanic Mindsets is still in the existence in todays era despite numerous international companies had succumbed due to it; but people would only change when it is too late.

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The story of The Hare and The Tortoise is a must be taught to all kids; for them to understand the mindsets of The Hare and The Tortoise. If it is deeply analysed, it gives a powerful moral story for us to adapt and adopt our weaknesses and strengths in life, business or a running event. The story of The Arrogant versus The Persistent, Humble and Focus shows us on how does a humble-persistent yet focused person could achieve successes in life or businesses but the arrogance but powerful person could fail in the journey in life or businesses due to The Titanic Mindsets.

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Humans are influenced by experience, education, culture and the surroundings. Humans could never be the same as sea fish in the sea water ; they are not salty when we eat them even though they had been surrounded by salt water (i.e. seawater) throughout their whole life. Humans are just easily be influenced by the surroundings. Our mindsets or our way of thinking are influenced by our surroundings that we are in. We cannot be like the sea fish that are not salty when it is eaten.  Thus, be aware of your surroundings to see what you would become in the future; just watch out our children’s surroundings.

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RMS Titanic was considered to be an “unsinkable” ship in 1912, but it succumbed to the seabed of The Atlantic Ocean was due to The Titanic Mindsets. Business owners and management team members of businesses should have the ability to see every perspectives of the stakeholders. By enriching the perspective of the stakeholders, businesses should be successful and excel to the next level. The Titanic Mindsets is still in the existence in todays era despite numerous international companies had succumbed due to it; but people would only change when it is too late.

Our own blogs branded as The Horizon Mind; features and analyses the overall scopes for each topic based on our critical mindsets with facts and figures. It gives a broader perspective for you to sail your businesses blissfully in your journeys.

"Enrich your perspectives;

embolden your journey"

The mindset is the king of everything. 

Get to know DYNE’s analysis on The Titanic Mindsets that caused the used to be a few successful international companies succumbed in their journeys to success. 

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No secrets to success,
it is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failures.

DYNE’s inspiration of success is Grab Holding Inc (GRAB)’s journey; soon to be a humbled decacorn company; it started in Malaysia in 2012; it had grown strategically into 8 South-East Asia countries in their first 10 years in the operation. 

GRAB is growing continuously steady.

Have a sneak peek to our analysis on how did GRAB grow strategically since 10 years ago into a decacorn company.

Turbulence is inevitable, internally and externally.

Thus, planning is everything but the mindset is the king of everything.

The future of digitalization is now the present.
You can’t win by standing still.

Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to further propel in the market via providing new revenue and value-producing opportunities.

"It is time to evolve or be left behind."

Get to know more:

You can’t win by standing still.

Build a culture of passionate innovation to keep your organization young, fun and exciting

"Innovation is the fuel to design thinking"

Innovation helps you gain more customers and grab a bigger share of the market.


Innovation also makes it easier to grow whatever may be the size and type of your business.


You may have a small startup, but with innovation, there are so many more chances of growth in the business.

DPSB is specialised in converting businesses into innovative business models with our unique perspectives.


Our DPSB Diagnostic Report is a proactive move for you to diagnose your business and to convert it into innovative business models.


It is FREE for you here.

"It is time to evolve or be left behind."

Get to know more:

You can’t win by standing still.

What We Offer

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The Mindset Plan is exclusively designed to nurture The Design Thinking Framework for the subscribers amongst students and undergraduates to extract and learn the human-centred techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way in our lives.

It is a CSR-FOC initiative program by DPSB to let them be well prepared prior to their journey of the unexpected turbulence to come in the future as the mindset is the king of everything.

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The Hustle Plan provides business analysis and other important measures within the 12-months cycle on the subscribers’ businesses to plan and execute the right strategies to penetrate and propel in their early stage and middle stage of the business life cycle. DPSB business analysis will identify the business needs, reviewing them and finding solutions to various business-related problems; starting with evaluating the challenges that the businesses are having towards their short term and long term goals.

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The Shake-Out Plan will provide business analysis and strategies for subscribers to make the moves before the fierce competitions and challenges to come in the near future. The business analysis will be based on existing resources in the subscribers. 

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The Going-Out Plan provides business analysis and quick fix measures for the subscribers to survive in the final stage of the business life cycle. At these phases of decline and exit, businesses are struggling of losing money in their operations at a negative cash flow position; either to still continue or to exit the businesses. Shooting at the wrong targets would only lose your resources heavily. The Going-Out Plan provides quick fix measures to mitigate the losing trend and further to analyse and amend the fundamental of its business plan.

Built for Creatives, by Creatives

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