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Mindset is the king of everything

The Titanic Mindsets is summarized into one main mindset of hubris that caused the most famous catastrophic event happened 111 years ago; The Hubris Mindsets is the king of The Titanic Mindsets that causes the actions of stubbornness, pride, carelessness and insufficient planning. 

The Hubris Mindsets is summarised into the followings:

1.0    Hubris leads to pride 

  1. Hubris is a characteristic of excessive confidence or arrogance, which leads a person to believe that they may do no wrong. The overwhelming pride caused by hubris is often considered a flaw in character. It means arrogance and excessive pride. This can be something a character feels internally, but it usually translates to the character's actions. 

  2. Characters who have hubris are stubborn and believe themselves as always right. Excessive pride makes people reject others ' advice which leads to making rash decisions. This can cause them to make mistakes in decisions or overestimating their own abilities. Acts of hubris usually lead to death or punishment. Individuals who act on their hubris are neglecting the wellbeing of the community and instead are focusing only on themselves.

  3. The Titanic Mindsets of hubris had made the construction of The Titanic less scrutinizing on its safety and planning with over 3 million cheap and low quality rivets were used. The metallurgists in 1999 said those low-grade rivets would have ripped apart more easily during the collision, causing the ship to sink more quickly that it would have if stronger rivets had been used. 

  4. If The Titanic Mindsets of pride did not exist in the construction of The Titanic, the 3 million quality rivets will be used instead of the cheap ones. Thus, The Titanic could have survived longer from being sank to the bottom of the seabed of Northern Atlantic Ocean. The passengers and crews could had survived for a rescue from MV Carpathia;  some 58 miles of The Titanic’s location. 

  5. The Titanic Mindsets of pride had also made the management of Harland and Wolff mis looked on the mother nature of the sea or to be specific the Northern Atlantic Ocean’s condition at that time. The Titanic was not built to sail along in iceberg areas. It is understandable that at the time, there was no technologies could support or provide the data. But due to Titanic Mindsets, they did not prepare for the worst things to happen such as a survey boat prior to The Titanic to sail through. 

  6. The Titanic Mindsets of pride led to double standard of the passengers on board of The Titanic which saw 58% of 2nd class passengers and 39% of 1st class passengers perished in the tragedy.

Business Lessons:

  1. A business entity should not have The Titanic Mindsets of hubris where it could
    El Cortez Hotel in San Diego, California had installed the first outside glass elevator in 1950. The idea came from a bellboy for the hotel to build a glass elevator in the hotel. The most glamorous apartment-hotel in San Diego did not reject the bellboy’s idea to build a glass elevator in the hotel with no double standard treatment but accepted the idea from the bellboy. Since then, the idea was acceptable by the market and gave positive impact to the hotel.

  2. Double standard treatments should not be a policy or a culture in every business. Regardless to the employees or to the customers. We have seen the double standard treatments in companies that we worked for before. It ruined the motivations and harmonies amongst the employees and management teams. 

  3. The Titanic was not meant to be built to sail on the icebergs areas which representing the supply and demand equation in business world. Your businesses should supply products or services to the demands of its customers. If product fit is not achievable in the market, your business could fail just like The Titanic. 

  4. A business entity should have a survey or a risk management report prior to any decisions made. make blinded decisions on the important things in businesses. 

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Planning is everything but the mindset is the king of everything.

2.0    Insufficient planning due to hubris which led to ignorance. 

1. It may have taken a fatal wrong turn - After the iceberg was spotted, the command was issued to turn "hard a starboard," but as the command was passed down the line, it was misinterpreted as meaning "make the ship turn right" rather than "push the tiller right to make the ship head left,". It was only 37 seconds left prior to the collision.

Business Lessons:

a. Non-existence of operation manual had caused the fatal wrong turn of The Titanic. If proper operation manual and planning had been implemented, the history should have changed. The 37 seconds could have saved the collision instead. 

b. Again, The Titanic Mindsets of hubris-thus-insufficient planning had failed to prepare for the worst things to happen in its maiden voyage.

c. Without proper planning in a business, it is like a small ship is sailing in the middle of North Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the night without any compass or any equipment.


2. The binoculars were locked up - There were binoculars aboard The Titanic, but unfortunately, no one knew it. ... "Lookout Fred Fleet", who survived the Titanic disaster, would later insist that if binoculars had been available, the iceberg would have been spotted in enough time for the ship to take evasive action.

Business Lessons:
    a. The Titanic Mindsets of hubris-thus-insufficient planning had caused the insufficient preparation for the management and the crews.

  b. If the operation manual had been in place on The Titanic, the binoculars should be available for Fred Fleet to send the message to the crews earlier than the 37 seconds. 
  c. The existence of business operation manual and business plan is crucial and they are the top 2 must-to-have documents for every business. 

3. There were too few lifeboats - Perhaps the biggest tragedy is that there were not enough lifeboats to accommodate all of the Titanic's more than 2,228 passengers and crew members. Only 16 lifeboats available on board. The lifeboats could accommodate only  1,040 people. 
Business Lessons:
a. This was the crucial thing that the management of The Titanic did not securitize before the maiden voyage; They had failed to plan for the worst to happen. 
b The Titanic Mindsets of pride had led the management of The Titanic to ignore the planning for the worst things to happen prior to the maiden voyage. 

c. Even the lifejackets were available at the time, the victims could not survive at -2.2C temperature in the sea. 

d. The two most important documents for every business i.e. business operation manual and business plan should discover the possibilities of the worst things to happen. It involves risk management plan, risk assessment document and risk strategy.

4. Stubbornness due to hubris then led to ignorance. 

a)    7 Iceberg warnings went unheeded: 
At approximately 9:40pm the Mesaba Liner sent a warning of an ice field. The message was never relayed to the Titanic’s bridge. At 10:55pm the nearby Leyland liner Californian sent word that it had stopped after becoming surrounded by ice. Captain Phillips, who was handling passenger messages, scolded the Californian. 
Business Lessons:
a. Non-existence of business operation manual or business plan.
The Titanic Mindsets of hubris-thus-stubbornness had caused Captain Phillips to ignore the iceberg warnings received. If the captain heard the iceberg warnings, history should have been changed. Business operation manual and business plan are two living important documents for every businesses. They should be revisable for the businesses to steer the operation especially during the turbulences. 

b)    The ship was going too fast at 22.5 knots of its maximum 23 knots. 
The Titanic’s skipper, Captain E.J. Smith was blamed, for sailing the massive ship at such a high speed (22.5 knots of its maximum 23 knots) through the iceberg-heavy waters of the North Atlantic. Captain Smith was trying to better the crossing time of Titanic’s White Star sister ship, the Olympic. 
Business Lessons:
    The Titanic Mindsets of hubris-thus-stubbornness could had been avoided by Captain E.J. Smith with an understanding of the mother-nature and its surroundings. The Titanic was not built to hit the icebergs in the first place.
    Business lessons that we could get from this is that each business unit should scrutinize its products against its customers’ demands. Without the product fit’s elements to its targeted customers, you could lost in the competition in the market. To put things simple; supply and demand element which mostly businesses failed to focus this aspect accurately.

4. Carelessness due to hubris then led to ignorance. 
a)    Climate caused more icebergs: 
1.    At that time in 1912, technologies were not available for climate forecasting and such insights, thus the crews of The Titanic had failed to understand the climate change where tides sent icebergs southward during the period of its maiden voyage. 
2.    The climate change had caused the icebergs, sea ice and growlers were concentrated in the position of the collision that happened. These climate change of natures is part of the external factors that the crews had failed to adhere and scrutinize.   
b)    Lack of planning:
1.    Hubris led to carelessness, carelessness led to insufficient planning of its maiden voyage. 
2.    The captain and the crews had carelessly unplanned for the unexpected to happen prior to the departure. The binoculars were not known to be available and the lifeboats were limited to only 16 units.
Business Lessons:
a. Businesses could foresee any challenges internally or externally if businesses have its operation manuals and business plans. Business plans should cover its potential risks that the entity is facing via its risk management reports and risk assessment reports. 
b. The catastrophic event of The Titanic should had been avoided if the management and the crew had earlier surveyed the climate change at the time prior to the collision.

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