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1.0 Overview
2.0 My Story
3.0 My Analysis
A. Oveview - Mindset is the king
Writer's picturewanazwan

Mindset is the king of everything;

Updated: 13 hours ago


The Horizon Mind covers the 6 elements to each topic in the blogs; includes Overview, MyStory, MyAnalysis, Iconic References, Summary and What’s Next.

Horizon is defined as the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet and it is defined as the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

The Horizon Mind discusses the overall topic with iconic references as resemblance of events to be remembered for the betterment of the future. Humans tend to believe things which have some kind of evidence attached to it.


Mindset is the king of everything

Our mindset is formed by the ecosystem of mindset that is driving you towards anything possible in your life and even anything impossible in your life. So, what is the ecosystem of mindset? Get to know it and you will get to know yourself deeper and better.

If you have a mindset of “Nothing is Impossible”, you will find ways to achieve the targeted goals regardless of challenges or obstacles that are in front of your ways to the goals.

So, the mindset is the king of everything. Your mindset will rule you if you don’t rule you mind.

And, it is vice versa; if your mindset says “nothing is possible”, you will accept it and you won’t fight to achieve your goals.

It is proven by Stanford University’s psychologist Carol Dweck says; your beliefs play a pivotal role in what you want and whether you achieve it. Dweck has found that it is your mindset that plays a significant role in determining achievement and success.

So, what exactly is a mindset?

According to Dweck, there are two basic mindsets; fixed and growth.

Fixed mindset is where you believe that your abilities are fixed traits and therefore cannot be changed. You may also believe that your talent and intelligence alone leads to success, and effort is not required.

  1. Fixed mindset is the most common and the most harmful. “If you are imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve” .

  2. While those who have a growth mindset, feel that they can change, grow, and learn through effort. People who believe that they are capable of growth are more likely to achieve success.

Mindset is influenced by the perceptions of past experiences, education, values, culture, preconceived notions, and present circumstances. The ecosystem of mindset is a combination of the attributes of failures, successes, circle of friends, communication, visions, colours, surroundings and others.

The ecosystem of mindset are working together to form the mindset of a person. In the end, the perceptions that you had constructed in your minds will become your reality and your perspective in your next course of actions.

So choose to be among the few today.

Reset your mindset to make the difference.

Planning is everything but the mindset is the king of everything.​

2.0. MY STORY - Why am I sharing this writing with you?

Get to know why we are sharing our story to you relating to "The mindset is the king of everything", here.

“Life is too short to learn from your mistakes.

So, learn from others” - Anonymous

3.0 MY ANALYSIS i. Overview

We were once kids before; then we grew up from the experiences of what we had observed and what we had experienced in front of our eyes which included the happiness, the sadness, the failures, the challenges .. and etc. Then, here we are now with the priceless experiences to share it with the younger generations.

As of today in 2023, we are now in the technological age with technologies are available around us to make us more efficient and effective with our daily life. Years to come in the future, we will see a lot of new technologies and innovations to be built for us to be more efficient and effective. We could see everyone with their mobile phones either reading, texting, or doing work while on the go but I would rather spend my time waiting for something with observing other people’s behaviours in front of my eyes.

Scenario 1 – A family of 5 persons inclusive the parents and their 3 kids were just arrived at a restaurant for a lunch treat. After choosing the table, they were on the chairs; closed to each others and suddenly the father picked up his mobile phones followed by the rest of the family members. Then, in a split seconds no communication were happening between them when everyone was with their own mobile phones in their hands. After a while, a waitress came in asking for anything to order for their lunch, but the family members were blurred and taken a few minutes to go thru the menus and placed an order with the waitress. Subsequently after the waitress gone with the order, the mobile phone session continued with everyone’s owned sessions. Meanwhile I was curiously pondered that a family time should be spent together while having their lunch time but I was kept questioning myself on why did the parents allow the technologies to control your life instead you should control your life over the technologies.

My time with my mobile phone will be at its own time and duration. Everyone must be agreeable to me that mobile phones will sway you away from your focus. Then, we should be in controlled of our lives over the technologies.

As a humble person, I kept quiet but questioned myself on the particular subjects on why and how it happened. My self-talk had been busy in my head ever since.. You may ask yourself; how busy is your self-talk..

I had achieved successes in life and also failures in life; it was a kind of a roller-coaster ride. And the ride continues. Be it the easy ways and the hard ways to learn the successes and failures, it had given me the strengths to move forward in life.

ii. My Analysis - The ecosystem of mindset influences your actions.

I would always pounding in my head with questions of the things in front of me including dramas and movies that I watched. Either the rationales of the stories or how did the ideas come out from the directors or the producers.

One thing in the drama series that effected my mind was a drama with full of antagonised characters that effected my mood for the whole day and even the whole week.

It was back to normal with a peace of mind when I stopped watching the drama series at the Episode 5 of 16 episodes and then I switched to another cool and charming drama series. I would not continue that particular drama series that is very negatively influencing my mood and my mind especially not encouraged for kids to watch it.

This simple scenario gives an impact to my mindset which could affect my next actions consciously and unconsciously.

As the ecosystem of mindset explained above - The ecosystem of mindset is a combination of the attributes of failures, successes, friends, communication, visions, colours and surroundings. that are working together to form the mindset of a person. In the end, the perceptions you constructed in your minds will become your reality and your perspective in your next course of actions.

As getting more experiences and knowledges from my observations, I had made a self-analysis on why did some people achieve successes in life but certain people failed in life.

One of my Iconic References in my series of blogs is “sea fish is not salty when it is eaten”. We, the humans cannot avoid from getting influenced by The Ecosystem of Mindset. Do have a deep dive into my blog of “sea fish is not salty when it is eaten”.

To all parents, I would suggest to monitor your kids’ activities relating to what they are watching because it will affect their mindsets and their behaviours in their future life (do believe it). A. Overview - Mindset is the king of everything; Rule your mind or it will rule you. Rule your mind or it will rule you. Mindset is the king of everything.

Our mindset is formed by the ecosystem of mindset that is driving you towards anything possible in your life and even anything impossible in your life. So, what is the ecosystem of mindset? Get to know it and you will get to know yourself deeper and better.

If you have a mindset of “Nothing is Impossible”, you will find ways to achieving the targeted goals regardless of challenges or obstacles that are in front of your ways to the goals. So, the mindset is the king of everything. Your mindset will rule you if you don’t rule you mind.

And, it is vice versa; if your mindset says “nothing is possible”, you will accept it and you won’t fight to achieve your goals.

Mindset is influenced by the perceptions of past experiences, education, values, culture, preconceived notions, and present circumstances. The ecosystem of mindset is a combination of the attributes of failures, successes, circle of friends, communication, visions, colours, surroundings and others.

The ecosystem of mindset are working together to form the mindset of a person. In the end, the perceptions that you had constructed in your minds will become your reality and your perspective in your next course of actions.

The above graphic symbolises that The Ecosystem of Mindset is influenced by the elements surrounding it; there are 12 elements that directly and indirectly give impact to our mindsets.

Talk to yourself and ask it is true that the elements around you had impacted your mindsets.

B) Me and my Curiosity Thousands of people had been laid off from their employments due to cessations of the international companies and our local companies in my country; Malaysia.

In my series of blogs, I will highlight analysis of a few international companies that were once had captured the international market shares i.e successes in their fields of businesses but failed in the middle of their journeys.

A business is like a ship sailing in the middle of an ocean. The business runs well with the supply and demand being met for its own market of customers and clients. But the ship doomed in the middle of the ocean due to its lack of preparation, strategies and mindsets.

The companies and businesses had been doing well in their businesses but failed in the middle of the journeys due to their mindsets.

If the business owners were to shift their mindsets before the business declining stage or even the worst scenarios of business failures, they could possibly manage to get back on the track towards success of sailing their journeys.

Thus, I had challenged myself to put my own analysis on the mindsets and its related topics for everyone to achieve successes in your journeys forward.

Parents could encourage the right mindsets for our children prior to their involvement into the job markets, we could be able to see a new generation of workforces in companies that could produce better talents for our own countries.

In my series of blogs, we will uncover the meaning behind the phrase “Mindset is the king of everything” as the initial topic of the discussions.

Once you have the knowledge of how your mindset works, you could control your actions or attitudes towards any situation. This is because knowledge is powerful.

C. My Story 002 - A mindset is a particular way of thinking or a frame of mind.

Is it a glass half full or it is a glass half empty in your eyes?

Your mindset is your mental attitude or set of opinions that you have formed about something through experience, education, upbringing, and/or culture.

You can have a mindset on a particular event, topic, item or person. For example, you may think that a particular person is difficult to deal with. You can also have a general mindset about life or the world. For example, you may have a positive mindset about the world and look at the world and its events positively.

The mindset you're in will be influenced by the information you perceived, the feelings you take away and your overall perception and memory of an experience including past experiences, education, values, culture, preconceived notions, and present circumstances. In the end, the perception you constructed would become your reality and your perspective.

Your perspective on the above glass of half full or half empty shows your way of thinking.

The phrase “the glass is half full” very often goes hand in hand with the opposite phrase “the glass is half empty”. The glass is half empty describes someone as being a pessimist, viewing things negatively or expecting the worst.

“The glass is half full” is seen to be a positive description because the word “full” implies that the situation will get better because someone will eventually fill up the rest of the glass. A person who says that the glass is “half full” has a positive outlook and is looking at the bright side of things.

The above illustration gives an imagination of how the mindset influenced by the attributes of failures, successes, friends, communication, visions, colours, surroundings and etc. The above illustration is called the ecosystem of mindset.

A definition of ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life.

Thus, the ecosystem of mindset is a combination of the above attributes that work together to form the mindset of a person.

- By paying close attention to the foods we eat, we’re able to control how well our brains perform – physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

- Every aspect of our lives is controlled by our brain—our thoughts, movements, breathing, heartbeat, senses and more. And like everything else in our bodies, the brain requires energy—in the form of the foods we eat. By paying close attention to the foods we eat, we're able to control how well our brains perform—physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

- Colours affect the bodily functions, mind and emotions with the energy produced by light. Studies conducted have demonstrated the benefits of colours where the development of brain, creativity, productivity and learning are concerned.


For the purpose of understanding, I am using case studies of failed companies and iconic references for everyone to have a clear virtualization of each segments that we are going to explore.

The iconic references that I am using are the following below. 1. The RMS Titanic – The Titanic Mindsets; having it inside you could lead to destruction. Be careful. 2. The story of the hare and the tortoise – moral story for us to adopt and adapt. 3. Sea fish is not salty when it is eaten – humans are influenced by the surroundings but not for the sea fish.

Humans tend to believe based on facts as facts are true whether or not you believe them.

Evidence is a kind of theory that affects human mind a lot. Humans tend to believe things which have at least some kind of evidence attached to it. Human belief system is biased to the dissimilar ways of knowing. It acts according to the way they come to know about something. Psychologically it can be very difficult for our mind to accept something that has been taught to be right is in fact wrong.


The ecosystem of mindset is a combination of the attributes of failures, successes, friends, communication, visions, colours and surroundings. They are working together to form the mindset of a person. In the end, the perceptions you constructed in your mindsets will become your reality and your perspective in your next course of actions.

The critical reason of failures in businesses or in life in my analysis is due to The Mindset; because “The Mindset is The King Of Everything”.

My blog will cover a series of blogs on “The Mindset Is The King Of Everything” for the readers especially the students to nurture the right mindsets for the future successes.


The Horizon Mind covers the five (5) elements to each topic in my blogs; includes Overview, MyStory, MyAnalysis, Iconic Reference, Summary and What’s Next.

Horizon is defined as the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet or it is also defined as the limit of a person's knowledge, experience, or interest.

The Iconic Reference refers to iconic events or elements that resemblance the topics which should be remembered for the betterment of the future.

The Horizon Mind’s final section is The What’s Next?.

If students are being exposed to the power of mindset as the king of everything at their youth stage, they could appreciate their skills and capabilities to perform when they are ready to be in the workforces later in their life.

Plans are nothing.

Planning is everything

but the mindset is the king of everything.

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