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1.0 Overview
2.0 My Story
3.0 My Analysis
A. Oveview - Mindset is the king
Writer's picturewanazwan

Cultivating Innovation - Innovation comes ultimately from a diversity of perspectives;

Updated: Oct 5, 2023


The Horizon Mind covers the 6 elements to each topic in the blogs; includes Overview, MyStory, MyAnalysis, Iconic References, Summary and What’s Next.

Horizon is defined as the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet and it is defined as the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

The Horizon Mind discusses the overall topic with iconic references as resemblance of events to be remembered for the betterment of the future. Humans tend to believe things which have some kind of evidence attached to it.


Innovations are challenging with uncertainty, risk, and complexity.

Developing structured processes and phases is crucial for successful new product development, ensuring creativity and focus while avoiding mistakes and maximizing innovation performance.

Innovation is the key to success in any industry, but it's not just about coming up with a great idea. It's about taking that idea and turning it into a reality. That's where the four phases of successful innovation come in: inspiration, ideation, implementation, and iteration.

Innovations are challenges, characterized by uncertainty, risk and complexity. This makes it all the more important to develop a structure, system and methodology for the development, development and implementation of new products. This also includes a practical innovation process according to different phases, which on the one hand leaves enough space for creativity, but also leads to the goal in a focused manner.

There are a list of amongst the earliest innovations -- A list of inventions would simply be incomplete without mention of the Wright brothers’ historic flight. In 1903 the Wrights demonstrated that an airplane could sustain flight under the control of a pilot, a feat that had never before been accomplished. This invention changed everything from travel to shipping. Without the Wright flyer, we wouldn’t have destination weddings or last-minute shipping for Christmas.

Innovation is anything that proposes an alternative to something that is done in a certain way, brings economic and behavioral benefits, solves problems, or makes people's daily lives more practical.

We are passionate about innovation in our daily lives. As innovation evolves thru the times, our efficiency and effectiveness has gradually increase with the assistance from the innovation.

At, we cultivate innovation for businesses to have the edges amongst other players in the industries. We are also cultivating innovation among students and undergraduates thru one of our products namely The Mindset Plan. It is a FOC plan for students and undergraduates to be creative and to train their perspectives to search for innovation things and commercially feasible innovation into the market. The Mindset Plan will provide the thinking method for looking things from different perspectives to cultivate and further more to create innovation from the earlier stage of their lives prior to their working life era.

2.0. MY STORY -

During my 5 years working experience in one of the best government funded grant provider in Malaysia, I have seen a lot of ideas and innovation being brought up by entrepreneurs seeking for funding to kick start their innovation.

With curiosity on the creation of the innovations from the fellow entrepreneurs, I had started to learn and to read their way of thinking for me to also create an innovation in the future. Starting from that in 2012, I had started to look and to think creatively from multiple side of perspectives of things in front of me.

Another thing that I have learned was the ability to make the move to create an innovation is also the keep to make things happen. I had one idea to produce an innovation but due to the attitude of delaying things, the idea was proceeded by an entrepreneur in one of our pitching days.

Just like one of my favourite scripts in TopGun 2022 which is “Don’t think, follow your instinct. Just do it”. I had to agree with these scripts as once I had an idea, I need to weight it via following my instinct the soonest and make the moves to create the innovation.

3.0 MY ANALYSIS Based on my analysis and my experiences with the entrepreneurs that had created the innovation throughout the years, the main different between them and the rest of the ordinary people is the innovative mindset.

Innovative Mindset involves approaching problems and opportunities with an open mind. It is a mindset that seeks out new and better ways of doing things, often through experimentation and trial and error. Innovative Mindset can be applied to any industry or organization in a variety of contexts, from product design and development to business strategy and marketing. Innovative Mindset requires individuals to embrace uncertainty and ambiguity, take calculated risks, and persist in the face of setbacks. It also requires individuals to be comfortable with failure, as many innovative ideas do not succeed on the first (or second or third!) try.

In essence, an innovative mindset is about something finding a structure or solution that will help you to take action and move through the basic stages of innovation or design thinking. Move swiftly and with agility through Hearing (Challenges), Creating (Ideas), and Delivering (Action) to those you are designing or innovating for.


The story of The Arrogant of The Hare versus The Persistent-Humble-Focus of The Tortoise shows us on how does a humble-persistent yet focused person could achieve successes in life or businesses but the arrogance but powerful person could fail in the journey in life or businesses due to The Titanic Mindsets.

Despite The Tortoise failed to win the race theoretically or “on paper” against The Hare but he was persistent to win step by step of the race even in The Second Race, he also won. He used his weaknesses to create different trail route for him to win the race. He used the Systematic Inventive Thinking Method of using his internal weaknesses and strengths to overcome the challenges.


As a passionate person on innovation, I am looking forward for more innovation products or services for us to be more effective and efficient in the future with the innovation. Everyone has brilliant ideas and it is just the matter to extract the ideas with the correct thinking mindset for us to churn the ideas into innovation.


At, The Mindset Plan is ready for students and graduates to activate your thinking ability to be innovative people. Keep on looking things in front of you from multiple perspectives.

Plans are nothing.

Planning is everything

but the mindset is the king of everything.

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