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The Hare and The Tortoise Mindset

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

The story of The Hare and The Tortoise is a must be taught to all kids for them to understand the mindsets of The Hare and The Tortoise. If it is deeply analysed, it gives a powerful moral story for us to adopt and adapt with our weaknesses and strengths in life, business or a running race.

The story of The Arrogant versus The Persistent, Humble and Focus shows us on how does a humble-persistent yet focused person could achieve successes in life or businesses but the arrogance but powerful person could fail in the journey in life or businesses due to The Titanic Mindsets.


The Horizon Mind covers the 6 elements to each topic in the blogs; includes Overview, MyStory, MyAnalysis, Iconic References, Summary and What’s Next.

Horizon is defined as the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet and it is defined as the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

The Horizon Mind discusses the overall topic with iconic references as resemblance of events to be remembered for the betterment of the future. Humans tend to believe things which have some kind of evidence attached to it.


Parents and teachers must have taught their kids about the moral values in story of The Hare and The Tortoise. It is a simple yet powerful story and very significant lessons for kids and adults to adopt and adapt our weaknesses and strengths towards better phases in life, business or even race competition.

The story of The Hare and The Tortoise is a must be taught to all kids for them to understand the mindsets of The Hare and The Tortoise. If it is deeply analysed, it gives a powerful moral story for us to adopt and adapt with our weaknesses and strengths in life, business or a running race.

The story of The Arrogant versus The Persistent, Humble and Focus shows us on how does a humble-persistent yet focused person could achieve successes in life or businesses but the arrogance but powerful person could fail in the journey in life or businesses due to The Titanic Mindsets.

The fable tells the story of a tortoise who, ridiculed by The Hare for being slow, challenges it to a race. The Hare soon leaves The Turtle behind and, confident of winning, take a nap halfway. Upon awakening, The Hare finds that his competitor, crawling slowly but steadily, has arrived before him. This fable shows that at the moment of challenge and encounter, the predetermined outcome was reversed. The strength became a weakness, weakness transformed into strength, and when coupled with steadfastness, truly produced a win.

The story continues in Chapter 2; After being defeated by The Tortoise, The Hare did some soul-searching. He knew that though he had tried hard in the beginning, he was not consistent, and had grown overconfident. He was determined to undo his mistakes, and invited The Tortoise for another race. This time, The Hare was careful to run the whore distance, and of course, emerged the winner of the second race.

The story continues further into Chapter 3. Well, after emerging the loser in the second race, The Tortoise thought long and hard. He knew that in any traditional terrain, The Hare would win, if he was fast and consistent. Therefore, he thought of a non-traditional terrain for the race. Then, he invited The Hare for another race. This time The Hare laughed out loud, thinking that The Tortoise was out of his head. But The Tortoise insisted that there should be another race and the terrain would be decided by The Tortoise. The Hare agreed to the idea.

The race began. The Hare was leading in front, with The Tortoise far back trundling along. Around half way through the race, they came across a river. The Hare halted on the bank of the river, wondering how to cross the river. Meanwhile, the tortoise approached the river slowly, got in to the water and swam across, climbed up o the other bank, ran the last few kilometers, and won the race.

Failure is costly to everyone. One man’s fault is another man’s lesson.

Moral Lessons from The Hare and The Tortoise Story

i. The race is not always to the happening fast (swift).

ii. You can be more successful by doing things slowly and steadily than by acting quickly and carelessly.

iii. Persist until you succeed.

iv. Know your strength, believe and do it.

v. The loser now is later to win.

vi. If you are going to sleep before or during a race, remember to set the alarm clock.

vii. Fast and consistent may be better than slow and steady.

viii. When your capabilities are below par, choose a playing ground that gives you a natural advantage.

3 Lessons from The Hare and The Tortoise Story

1. No matter how slow we are, we need to keep moving ahead steadily with complete dedication and determination to achieve our objectives. We should keep walking the path of life despite all the obstacles and stumbling blocks we come across. We should never give up, and persistence will help us be focused, humble, stay on track, and inspired.

2. We should never be overconfident and haughty (proud of). Even if we are better than others in certain skill sets or adept at doing certain tasks, we should not become conceited and think we are the best. Life will humble us and make us eat our own words. Things can change at the flick of a switch, and the best thing to do is living knowing that the only thing we know is that we do not know.

Overconfidence will make us boasting, egoistic and above all rude and disrespectful.

3. We should never compare ourselves to others and complain about our situations. We may not be good at something. That is maybe because we may not want to do it. The Tortoise was never afraid of the challenge though she knew the odds were heavily stacked against her. She never let her differences stop her from competing in the race. Though that The Hare was faster and was always ahead of her throughout the race, she never got discouraged and did not complain about the advantages The Hare had.

4. The Hare and The Tortoise story is one of the most popular moral stories that is taught to children. The Hare and The Tortoise story reiterates the fact that we can only achieve success by doing things slowly, honestly, sincerely and steadily, while carelessness and haste result in failure.


Perhaps you’ve heard a saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” As human, we take the perspectives and outlook of others, so it’s important to be with the people who have an optimistic mindsets and practice positive self-talk. Being with positive people will bring out the best in you and they’ll also give you great and constructive feedbacks.

During my years of developing my experiences and skills in developing entrepreneurs, I had come across many types of entrepreneurs from ground-zero entrepreneurs to top-level entrepreneurs. As an observer and a business analyst, I always like to analyse their mindsets; questions such as “where did you get the idea of naming your company’s name” to “how did you get the idea of doing or inventing the innovative products” which is seemed a petty question but it shows the way of thinking of the entrepreneurs.

To relate with The Story of The Hare and The Tortoise with my years in entrepreneurship journey, I had continued to follow the entrepreneurs that are optimistic and persistent in their businesses just like The Tortoise; he was persistent in the fight of the competitive race against The Hare. Though, it is impossible for The Tortoise to win the first race, but he was persistent with what he could do and he acknowledged what he could not do in the first race.

But, in the third race, The Tortoise requested for a race in a different terrain that is his favourite terrain. He was using his strengths to outdo The Hare and finally he won the third race.

My direct experience from my observation during my working years related to The Story of The Hare and The Tortoise is the difference attitude between one group of entrepreneurs (Group AA) and another group of entrepreneurs (Group BB). The Group AA is the group of entrepreneurs that favoured by the authorities and being assisted with a lot of financial assistances while the Group BB is the group of the opposite of Group AA but they are successful in the businesses unlike the Group AA.

Group AA is resembles as The Hare which has been given the strengths and the opportunities by the authorities while Group BB is likely similar to The Tortoise which are persistent and focus on their objectives and their goals despite they acknowledged their weaknesses in the field of the business environment.


Among the entrepreneurs that were within my circle of communication, there were some of them that had The Titanic Mindsets which resulted into troubles in the middle of their journeys. My series of blogs are indirectly meant for these entrepreneurs of The Titanic Mindsets; with their strengths in their fields, they should had excelled in the businesses if they get rid of The Titanic Mindsets.

The Story of The Hare and The Tortoise – if the entrepreneurs understand the moral values of this story, they should had sailed it successfully to the next levels.


The RMS Titanic and The Hare and The Tortoise are the iconic references for the downfall history of Nikon. The Titanic Mindsets of ignorance and hubris in Nikon’s decisions for not getting prepared for the market demands had allowed the other competitors especially Canon to create new lines of product range to accommodate its customers’ demands and the iconic references of The Hare and The Tortoise had made Nikon to ignore the Know-Your-Customer (KYC-1) exercise and Know-Your-Competitor (KYC-2) exercise; to keep abreast with the current situation using the available strengths and weaknesses like what The Tortoise was doing to outbeat The Hare.


Everyone has its own self-talk that contributing to the next actions to be taken. The self-talk also contributing to the mindset of the person. My series of blogs will explore and present to you for your understanding the knowledge of developing your mindsets either to the left or to the right, it will depend on your choices. My blogs will also uncover the reasons to the destructions of the successful businesses once before due to the mindsets of “too big to fail”.


In my series of blogs, I have made a few analysis of a few successful international companies that were succumbed in the middle of their journeys due to The Titanic Mindsets and The Hare’s mindset.

For students and undergraduates, DYNE Perspective Sdn Bhd (DYNE) offers a 30 days FREE enrolment for TheMindsetPlan for the first 20 subscribers of every month to understand and experience the power of mindset. The subscribers will go thru 100% online interaction with DYNE and its professionals; to uncover the potentials and to cultivate innovations via the design thinking approaches amongst the subscribers. The objective of TheMindsetPlan is to develop the right mindsets for students before they go into the employment market and to cultivate the mindset of invention amongst students. Get to know more about TheMindsetPlan here.

For businesses, DYNE offers FREE Business Diagnosis Report for every businesses to re-evaluate their business health in the business cycle. Every business should have known their whereabout in their journey to the destination. Failing to do so could risk their business to failure to achieve the goals.

The Story of The Hare and The Tortoise shows that The Tortoise was using his strengths over his weaknesses to win the third race.

Get to know more about Business Diagnosis Report here for your businesses.

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