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3.0 My Analysis
A. Oveview - Mindset is the king
Writer's picturewanazwan

The SeaFish in the Ocean

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

While happily having lunch with your family with a freshly baked red snapper fish right from the ocean sea on a boat in the middle of The South China Sea, had you ever thought that the fish is not salty despite being in the salted water 247 all the time?

As an observer, I had the thought i.e the question many years ago and I had tried to find the reasons behind it.

And, I had found it.


The Horizon Mind covers the 6 elements to each topic in the blogs; includes Overview, MyStory, MyAnalysis, Iconic References, Summary and What’s Next.

Horizon is defined as the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet and it is defined as the limit of a person’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

The Horizon Mind discusses the overall topic with iconic references as resemblance of events to be remembered for the betterment of the future. Humans tend to believe things which have some kind of evidence attached to it.


One of the concepts, Arel Moodie, author and motivational speaker discussed was “the average of 5”, a rule that states that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with. For example, if you constantly hang out with negative people, you will ultimately find yourself becoming a negative person too. If you spend a lot of time with friends who all work hard to get high GPAs, you will find that you also work hard to keep your GPA within that range too (I’ve personally experienced this phenomenon).Humans are influenced by experience, education, culture and the surroundings. Humans could never be the same as sea fish in the sea water; they are not salty when we eat them even though they had been surrounded by salt water (i.e. seawater) throughout their whole life.

Humans are just easily be influenced by the surroundings. Thus, we need to be aware of our surroundings, it is influencing us indirectly.

But, why are salt water fish not salty to eat? They 'breathe' in salt water and drink it too.


My years of friendship with a lot of friends since the early days had developed myself as of today. My critical thinking and observing attitude had let me to think and to choose the surrounding friends to be the best friends since the schooling time. I have seen my friends got hooked with their circle of friends which had turned them into what they are today.

It is our decision to be influenced by our circle of friends and personally I do hope that the younger generation to be prudent into choosing their circle of friends.

By having The SeaFish in the Ocean’s awareness, we could be well prepared that we are easily be influenced by our surroundings and we cannot be like the seafish in the ocean.


But why they are not salty when we eat them?

Dr. Daniel Pauly, the Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us Initiative and a Professor in the Institute For The Oceans and Fisheries at the University of British Columbia, has the answer : Marine fish need to maintain a balance of electrolytes - including salt - in their body, that is lower than the amount of salt in their environment. This is important for the various chemical changes, nerve reactions and other biological processes that take place within their bodies.

Because if marine fish take in so much salt, they need to get rid of the excess. This is mainly done through their kidneys and gills in the form of urine. If this process did not occur, salt would build up beyond the healthy levels and the fish would die.

But why the sea fish becomes an iconic reference for us to remember.

I am sure that you are aware that The Ecosystem of Mindset is a combination of attributes, experience, lifestyle and others which contributing to the way people think. Knowing and acknowledge of the actual fact of The Sea Fish is not salty when it is eaten will make us aware about The Ecosystem of Mindset that you are in right now.

Always be cautioned about the elements in your Ecosystem of Mindset.

This cautious will make you prudent, particular and selective about everything you want to do especially for your kids. Kids are easily be influenced from their surroundings. Their ecosystem of mindset will emulate and form their thinking process and their attitudes.

Business owners and management team members of businesses should have the ability to see every perspectives of the stakeholders; be it from management, employees, governments, clients, customers and communities. By enriching the perspective of the stakeholders, businesses should be successful and excel to the next level.


The Iconic Reference for The SeaFish In The Ocean is yourself.

Ya, yourself that is reading this. Have a thought of it for a while.


As the Mindset is The King of Everything, The SeaFish in the Ocean as an iconic for us to remember that the ecosystem of mindset is easily influenced by the surroundings and we cannot refrain from being influenced like The SeaFish In The Ocean. With this in mind, we will be cautious about our surroundings.


Businesses are prune to be influenced by its surroundings.

Your competitors’ moves to change marketing strategies or strategic planning should NOT influenced by yourself in a split second due to emotions but prudent studies and analysis should be done prior to any movements or changes.

That is why one of the important documents that should be used as a guideline in businesses is the business plan.

The business plan may need to be updated or to be improved as and when it is needed for.

Feel free to revise your business plan with DYNE. Get to know DYNE more here.

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