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The Hustle Plan

At DYNE, The Hustle Plan provides business analysis and other important measures within the 12-months cycle on the subscribers’ businesses to plan and execute the right strategies to penetrate and propel in their early stage and middle stage of the business life cycle.


Every business is unique where DYNE's Business Analysts will review the fundamental aspects of the business’s products and services towards its directions in the market.

Our own DYNE's Business Analysts will identify the business's challenges, reviewing them and finding solutions to various business-related problems; starting with evaluating the challenges that the businesses are having towards their short term and long term goals. 

  1. Cultivating Innovation as part of the problem solving steps will also be part of DYNE objectives in the business anaysis.

  2. DYNE will propose suitable innovation for your business and for you to execute the innovation steps forward, feel free to get to know DYNE Cultivating Innovation, here.


  • Once subscribed, will guide you to our getting-to-know-steps for DYNE to understand your business condition and challenges.

  • A detailed process flow of DYNE’s The Hustle Plan is available in the following steps for your guidance.

  • DYNE’s Business Analysts will keep in touch with you for further clarification.

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A.  Subscription term:

  1. The subscription is valid for 12-month period.

  2. Communication between DYNE and the subscribers will be via email and online communication channels; Zoom or Google Meet or Sykpe.  

C.    End of the program

  1. DYNE will provide documented Business Analysis, updated Business Model, improvised Value Proposition and updated Business Plan for the period of the subscription as and when is needed. Most businesses are taking for granted for the documents to be prepared for the survival of their businesses.

  2. DYNE is welcomed to tag-along with the businesses to sail it blissfully in the journeys thus subscription could be renewed once it is expired. 

  3. Tagging along in the journey will allow DYNE’s professional to witness the opportunities for the businesses to create an innovation for the businesses to improve in the businesses. Potential for the businesses to cultivate innovation for their employees to be creative and to create further innovation within the business units.

B.    Scope of The Hustle Plan

  1. DYNE’s Business Analysts and Business Designers will analyse your business situation, challenges, issues from the inputs given by you on via The Hustle Plan’s Sharing Sheet.

  2. Upon digesting the information needed, DYNE’s professionals will present a proposal for business model innovation, business plan, value proposition, copywriting and mitigation proposal.

  3. Once subscribed, subscribers will be pivoted to The Hustle Plan’s Sharing Sheet for inputs needed on the businesses.

Nurture Your Mindsets with Design Thinking. 

Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. At the same time, Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is a way of thinking and working as well as a collection of hands-on methods.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

It is DPSB’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in nurturing and encouraging the subscribers to be more observant and creative in solving problems from new perspectives with new innovations.

DPSB is eager to become your strategic partner for you to bring your ideas or innovations  to the commercial market nationwide and to the world.

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The mindset is the king of everything

With proper diagnostic being deepen by DPSB Platform’s professional business analysts, possible solutions to be taken would be taken by the subscribers to sail it blissfully in the journey.

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